Winderen Bits - New Product
Posted on January 29 2023

We have recently brought in a selection of Winderen Bits and have been pleasantly surprised. What initially seemed like another gimmicky tack item has been a great addition to our bit lineup for many of our fitting clients. The Winderen System is a series of interchangeable mouth and cheek pieces, allowing an even greater level of customization. The gel mouthpieces also come in 3 different levels of flexibility: Rigid, Flexi and Super Flexi.
Check out our full line of Winderen Gel Bits.
In our own research we have found them to be beneficial for horses that:
- don’t trust the contact
- have sharp and sensitive bars
- don’t accept metal bits
- curl behind the contact to get them to seek the contact forward.
- if you need a variety of options this gel bit system has interchangeable cheek pieces.
- if you need an Eggbutt for flat but need a little more leverage for jumping simply swap out the cheek pieces and you're all set.
Winderen recommends their bits for:
- Horses that have problems with getting on the bit and yielding to the hand
- Sensitive horses that have difficulty accepting a metal mouthpiece
- Horses that destroy synthetic bits by chewing on them
- Horses allergic to metal bits
If your horse is struggling with its relationship with the bit, this may be the bit system for you.
If you have any questions about the Winderen Bits or would like help with your bit and bridle fit, please feel free to email me at