Re-Assess Your Bit Choice
Posted on February 05 2023

Spring is a time when many of us are starting with new equine partners, changing tack, and focussing on flat work for the upcoming show season.
It's a great time to re-assess our choices in tack and make some positive changes.
Like any industry, improvements in design and materials are constantly being made in the bit industry. You wouldn't use a bit designed in the 1900s as now you know that there are better options available for your equine partner.
Here are 4 signs that you may need to reconsider your bit choice:
- Rubbing, callus or abrasions at commissure of lips.
- Bone spurs on bars (this will be detected by a qualified bit fitter).
- Abrasions or bruising inside the horses oral cavity..
- Reluctance to go forward. This can be as simple as resistance to the leg and may also include more severe evasion like balking, spooking, refusing jumps and rearing.
- Headset that is bent behind the vertical - a horse that is not seeking (and is evading) contact.